Shop floor management

Create value directly on-site. Shop floor management.

Responsibility for employees
It is only possible to implement continuous and sustainable improvements to processes if employees are supported in their daily work – and if they themselves see the real need for action and setting priorities. This succeeds when employees consistently take on the responsibility of leadership and implement it themselves in the place where the value is created:

  • Clear responsibility of shop floor managers for safety, quality and productivity
  • Visualisation of the current situation through descriptions of processes and the relevant key data, such as productivity, directional stability, work place occupancy or process controls
  • Production and maintenance of standards as the foundation for quality improvements
  • Control of the continuous process of improvement
  • Definition, prioritisation and structuring of the areas for action and problems
  • Clear definition of control loops for communication
  • Structure of the organisation with team structure and cross-departmental functions
  • Introduction of the “right” management relationship